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Treatment Room
All-In-One PC on a wall mount arm.
Reverse angle of the previous All-In-One PC on a wall mount arm.
Touch screen monitor installed on a two are mount that can reach out to the patient chair. All cables run through the arm to the PC hidden in the cabinet.
Bay Setup
An open bay setup with four PCs with touch screens. All cables are kept out of the way.
All-In-One Touch Screen PC with a wireless keyboard and mouse.
A triple display setup. Two All-In-One PCs. Patient TV is connected to the AIO on the side wall.
X-Ray PC
This PC controls the digital PAN and is running an OpTime Plate scanner.
Pan PC
Dedicated PC to run a digital PAN.
3D Pan PC
Dedicated PC for a Conebeam PAN.
Remote Computers
Computers are installed in the basement. Freeing up cabinet space and keeping the dust and heat away from the machine.
Waiting Room
A 65" TV installed in the waiting room with ceiling speakers.
TV installed in the waiting room all cables hidden.
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